[GIS] Merging rasters using QGIS raster calculator


I have 102 .tif files to merge. I want to use the raster calculator on these, but it said there was not enough memory when I tried using the raster calculator on the virtual raster of all 102 files. When I try raster -> misc -> merge, there is an error message saying:

Error 5: Pixel type must be float32


Any recommendations?

enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

You need to use the Merge tool from Processing toolbox -> GDAL/OGR -> Miscellaneous -> Merge because it gives you the option to specify the pixel type of Float32.

enter image description here

The Merge tool accessed from Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Merge does not have show pixel type option or it is hidden and you may need to specify it explicitly using the creation option, but I didn't try it.

enter image description here

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