QGIS – Merging More Than 9 Input Files with Lasmerge


Is there a possibility to feed more than 9 LAS files to lasmerge tool? The user interface only allows 9 LAS files from LAStools toolboxes in QGIS or ArcGIS, but at liblas.org it’s described as there can also be a text file holding the file names to be merged.

Unfortunately it’s not said how to format the text file and my attempts in Python with the absolute path of each file per line fails.

Best Answer

There is more documentation available from here .

It includes additional examples, among them:

lasmerge -i *.las -o out0000.las -split 1000000000    

merge all *.las files into one and then split it into several output files that contain one billion points each and that are called out0000.las, out0001.las, out0002.las, out0003.las, ...