GDAL Raster Merge – How to Merge Thousands of Rasters with


I have several thousands of small rasters, kb size, tens or hundreds of pixels most of them. Batch command of can't take all the files at once, so I am doing partial merges of chunks of 500 images, and that's relatively fast.

But when I try to merge the partial merges it takes way too much. In one even gave up and returned Killed.

Has anyone experienced something similar, and found an optimization?

Alternatives to are welcome

Best Answer

You can create a vrt file with gdalbuildvrt or -of VRT and then run gdal_translate -of GTiff on that VRT.

Like this, I had much faster results compared to gdal_merge with huge files.

See this answer to a similar question: loads all files into memory before processing them. therefore it is not able to process large files if your memory is small. see here.