[GIS] Merge polygons in the same shapefile based on attributes, ArcGIS or ArcPy


I have a shapefile of polygons. I do not want any polygons with an area less than 25. For polygons with an area less than 25 I want to merge them with another polygon with an area greater than 25 that also has the same values for att1, att2 and att3.

I was able to write some code which found the polygons with areas less than 25 but I am stuck after that. can figure this out in ArcMap or ArcPy.

I want to automate this, I understand it can be done one by one but.

Best Answer

If you have an Advanced license, you might try the Eliminate Tool, in Data Management, Generalization. Here is the tool description, "Eliminates polygons by merging them with neighboring polygons that have the largest area or the longest shared border."

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