[GIS] Merge 500+ TIFFS into one (ArcGIS 10.4.1)


I have over 500 TIFF images with the same projection. I need to combine all these files into one large file. From there I need to perform several clips of certain areas of interest.

I can do the clip part fine but I need to combine these 500 TIFFS into one large image. I am using ArcGIS 10.4.1.

I saw multiple methods of doing this and was wondering which is the most efficient. Mosaic data set, raster catalogs I am not really sure or which is outdated.

Best Answer

May be off topic because it is not a direct ArcGis solution:

For an simple routine you could use the GDAL tools gdal_merge.py in conjuction with gdal_translate to merge and cut the geo-tiffs on a data level (geotiff for example).

You will need python as well as gdal. You could install osgeo4w for windows, to get both tools in one step.

The "best-how-to-aspect" depends on the location and extention of the image cut's in the tile set you want to proceed. In a worst case it will have a fractal nature. A wild mix between many small footprints on the image borders at one side versus one big footprint overlapping many image tiles.

At least you could use a common resampling approach:

  1. calculate and sort the image cuts vs. the tiles that are involved and store them in a list.

     cut  minx miny maxx maxy tiles 
      1    10   10   2100 4200  (1,2,3,4) 
      2    310  310  2100 4200  (1,2,3,4) 
  2. resort the list and create an list of unique merge tasks

    tiles      cuts 
     (1,2,3,4)  (1,2)
  3. merge the tiles and procced the cut for each corresponding cut-image (pseudo code)

    tiles = readTile(tileList)
    cuts  = readCuts(cutList)
    foreach tile in tiles:
        proceed("gdal_merge.py -o temp_file file1, files2, file3, file 4")
        foreach cut in cuts.getID():
           id, minx, miny, maxx, maxy = cuts.getExtentFromCutList(cut)
           proceed("gdal_translate -o cut-id  -projwin minx maxy maxx miny temp_file" 
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