[GIS] Measuring volume using DSM instead of point clouds in Pix4D

pix4dpoint cloudvolume

I've go a point cloud generated in the Pix4D software from about 90 aerial images. I am trying to measure piles of coal and have found that using the volume measuring tool on the point cloud model generated can be quite inaccurate. This is because of issues such as multiple outlying points appearing above a coal pile, which then introduces artifacts like spikes. This then leads to inaccurate volume measurement of such piles.

Is it therefore possible to use the DSM (how do we obtain in from within Pix4D?) to measure volume instead, as it has the effect of smoothing out such spikes and creates a homogeneous surface?

Best Answer

here's some good news for you! In the latest version of Pix4Dmapper, the volume is calculated based on the DSM if the 3rd step - DSM and Orthomosaic generation is done. This is done by default, and users do not have to change any settings! Please stay tuned :)
