[GIS] Measuring distance between points in QGIS


I have a layer with about 500 single points. Now I want to measure the distance between each of these points and one specified observation point.

I need the distance to show how far away from the observation point each of these points was located to build a table for detection probability.

I already tried lots of Plugins (Hub Distance, NNJoin, …), but simply can't find a proper way to calculate what I need.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Another option from mentioned by @Spacedman is the following:

  • Connect target points with the source point (observation one)
  • Measure distances for created lines

This option could also help you to create some nice visualizations.

  1. Prepare your data by creating unique fields in both (target and source) layers. enter image description here
  2. Install plugin 'Connect Points'. It is an experimented one, so make sure you ticked 'Show also experimental plugins' on your Plugins menu. Plugin works with WGS 84 CRS only
  3. Go to Plugins > Connect Points > Settings and set appropriate options.enter image description here
  4. Run the Plugin. Here is the following result: enter image description here
  5. Resave it with appropriate metrical CRS and count length of these lines by updating the length column with the function $length.
  6. Results are the same as by using 'Distance matrix' plus you've got a vector layer.enter image description here
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