[GIS] Meaning of Spatial Join ERROR 000840: The value is not a Feature Layer


I'm using ArcGIS (ArcMap) 10.2 to determine the relative location of points of land to a regulated area. I downloaded a layer (.lyr) file that displays the regulated area, and am able to display that information with my data. However, I am unable to use the data in (or referenced by) the downloaded layer… i.e. I cannot use Spatial Join ("ERROR 000840: The value is not a Feature Layer").

To try to determine what was happening, I attempted to "Open Attribute Table" to look at the specific features, but the "Open Attribute Table" command was not visible. That is, when I right-click the layer name in the table of contents, I don't have the normal options I do for features.

Thus, it seem I am unable to use this layer as I would a normal feature set. Why is this, and how can I still use this data?

FYI: I'm a relative novice at ArcGIS, so perhaps there are fundamental issues I'm not getting?

A screenshot of right before the error, and another right after the error

Best Answer

From the screenshot you provided it is apparent that you have browsed to a layer file in an attempt to supply Target Features to the Spatial Join.

If, as mentioned in comments, that layer file is pointing to a Web Map Service (WMS), you will not be able to use it with Spatial Join at all.

However, if it is pointing at a feature class (including shapefile) then you should be able to either browse to the source feature class, or add the layer file to your map and then drag the layer (not the layer file) into the Spatial Join tool.

If the source of your layer file is a Web Feature Service (WFS) then it is worth trying the same technique because I think it should work if that WFS uses the Geography Markup Language - Simple Features profile (GML-SF) and you have Data Interoperability installed (with no need for licensing).

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