[GIS] Matchlines with Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS


I have a map book created via the Data Driven Pages tool in ArcGIS. Specifically, I used the Strip Map option when I created the book. And I have employed the 'Angle' attribute of the index layer in order to rotate each page so that the route is (generally) shown west-to-east, with the north arrow turning dynamically with each page.

Now, I understand the labeling options for the Data Driven pages. But I don't want to merely label the pages – I want to create vertical matchlines that appear on each page. Can this be done, even as each record of the index is turned 'upright'?

Graphic matchline example:

enter image description here

Credit/source: https://courses.cit.cornell.edu/arch465/arch367f07-workdwgs/notes/04.html

Best Answer

Matchlines are typically a feature found on plans, not maps. I'm not aware of any tool to directly implement them in ArcGIS. It's possible there are such tools in some of the mapbook extensions available out there. However there is a workaround that can roughly do it.

First, you need to create a new feature class and actually draw in the matchlines where you want them. Sometimes matchlines are shown in different places on their matching pages rather than right at the 'official split' - that won't be possible here. You'll need to create single lines. You'll then symbolize that layer in your map in some obvious way (overly thick and dashed for example).

Once you have the lines, you'll need to potentially modify your reference feature grid. If it doesn't already have them, you need adjacent neighbor fields. There's a tool for this that would work in some cases (Calculate Adjacent Fields), otherwise you just manually add an attribute and populate it yourself (which can also help control what your match line text says).

With that, you can insert a Dynamic Text element into the layout near the edges of the page. Your map view will rotate as you go from page to page, and it's possible the exact location of the matchlines may move as well and their rotation definitely will. However these text elements won't, so you need to locate them somewhere that will generally be near where the matchlines will appear.

It's not pretty or ideal, and is basically just taking adjacent page labels out of the map collar and moving them over the map itself. Related: How to label adjacent pages in data driven pages

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