[GIS] Masking Water Bodies to build surface temperature raster slice of them in ENVI

envilandsat 8normalized-difference-water-index

I am looking at a region in the Alaskan tundra, there are plenty of small water bodies in my scene.

I need to mask these bodies, so that I can perform a surface temperature/emissivity normalization scene on only these water bodies. The ultimate product is to look at the original scene, and overlay the temperature masks unto the bodies of water.

How can I do this?

Edit: I am relatively new to ENVI, but I have tried doing a NDWI with band math.. It created a scene in which it identified possible water bodies in white and the rest in black. I could not figure out how to create a shapefile out of the white bodies it identified..

I have also considered classifying the water bodies but I am not sure how to go about this and ultimately create a mask.

I am working with Landsat 8 Data.

Best Answer

You are the right way. Follow this process

  1. Calculate MNDWI with Band using (b1 - b2)/(b1 + b2) where b1 is green band and b2 is SWIR1. Read this paper for more information about MNDWI.
  2. Also with Band math, create the water mask. Use (b1 le 0)*0 + (b1 gt 0)*1 using MNDWI result. Where le is lower/equal than b1 and gt greater than b1.
  3. Go to Vector / Raster to vector and convert it. This will result in a .evf file, to save as shapefile use Vector / Classic EVF to Shapefile.
