[GIS] MapInfo Professional: Can’t modify table structure


I am new to MapInfo and I need to combine several tables together, by copying and pasting. I need for all the tables to have the same table structure, however when I try to modify these tables (table>maintenance>table structure>view/modify table) it won't allow me to change the order of the fields. When i try to, i get the following error: "cannot perform this operation on table (table name)." Why won't it let me change the data structure? any suggestions?

The picture is of the dialogue window i get when i attempt to modify table structure. As you can see, it doesn't look like the regular window. But i don't know why or how to change it.
When i move my fields to the order I need them in, and click OK, is when i get the error message.

This is the dialogue window i get when i attempt to modify


Best Answer

MapInfo has a limit of 4096 characters per row (see http://testdrive.mapinfo.com/techsupp/miprod.nsf/kbase_by_product/BC5DE25962BC57C285256278002FB800). From your screenshot I suspect that your table structure may exceed this limit.

Certain third party utilities which work with tab files have worked around this deficiency in MapInfo, so depending where you're sourcing your data this may be the issue...

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