[GIS] MapBox; Use style as tileset


Is it possible to use a MapBox style as a tileset? I would like to add the style as a tile layer in QGIS.

I can access tiles from my tilesets in a browser.


When I substitute the tileset map id dbauszus.9ezmpldi with my style map id dbauszus.cilusj60s00scc3lwa30nys2b I get {"message":"Tileset does not exist"}.

Is there any way to request tiles directly from a style?

Best Answer

This seems to be quiet easily possible now.

https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/dbauszus/cilusj60s00scc3lwa30nys2b/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={my access token}

I am 100% sure that this is a new feature which wasn't on my dashboard two months ago.

Great work MapBox. :)

enter image description here

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