Making OGC WMS/WFS Layers Function Like ArcGIS Server Layers


Esri contacted me about this question. After a good talk the conclusion was that it is not wise to build a wrapper around WMS/WFS because of possible changes to the REST interface of ArcGIS Online later. If we want to use ArcGIS Online fully, we just have to use ArcGIS Server. Too bad that we also use OGC-services from external parties. Found no solution for that yet…

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Our organisation is interested in using ArcGIS Online. We already serve our spatial data using the OGC standards WMS/WFS using Mapserver. Unfortunately, ArcGIS online only works great if you use ArcGIS Server to serve your data. ArcGIS Online only supports the mapping funcionality of WMS, but not the 'GetFeatureInfo' functionality. WFS is not supported by ArcGIS Online at all.

Because migrating all our maps (800+) to ArcGIS Server will be time consuming and expensive I am searching for an alternative.

Do you know of any method to disguise our WMS/WFS services as if they were ArcGIS Server services? I'm thinking about a wrapper of some kind. In theory ArcGIS Online should than be able to use these services as if they were ArcGIS Server services.

Best Answer

Since you have put a bounty, let me try to explain why you are not likely to get a favourable Answer.

For your WMS/WFS services to appear as an ArcGIS Server Services, the Intermediary wrapper must implement, what ESRI Calls the GeoServices REST Specification

If you take a look at just the specification, it is vague in many respects. There are many other criticisms of the Specification, most of which are covered in this document Geoservices REST API critique.

Hence For your Wrapper to appear exactly like ArcGIS Server, you'll have to reverse engineer the REST API of an existing deployed server. That is easy enough. you just need a running ArcGIS Server, a browser, and firebug/Wireshark. Whether it is Legal, is a different question, one I am not qualified to answer.

If you ask if there is any current open Source software that implements the GeoServices REST Specification, the list is very short. The people at OSGeo, could only find one software: Traveler-Info-GeoServices-REST

Given your need for a Wrapper, your best option would be to write one/ get one developed. You should also look at this question: How can I implement ESRI REST API?

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