ArcGIS Heat Maps – How to Make Heat Maps Using ArcGIS

arcgis-10.1arcgis-desktoparcgis-javascript-apiarcgis-serverheat map

I want to prepare the heat maps so what parameters are required for that??

I have large point data (I want to represent the density on the map)

I gone through the following posts :

I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 and ArcGIS Server 10.1 + ArcGIS Java Script API 3.0

Best Answer

Coincidentally, I have been doing a lot of reading about this subject over the last couple of days. For the actual generation of heat maps there are a large number of factors to consider.

The most valuable resources for me were from Laura Rosenshein at Esri. She sums up a lot of the material in this one blog post.

To answer your question, I would recommend watching the videos linked on that page and then running through the tutorial - that gave me sufficient knowledge on how to use the Spatial Statistics tools in ArcMap to create a multi scale-level heat map for my web application.

If you are short on time, this post gives a good summary on considerations to think about when creating a heat map.