[GIS] Making directional arrow line symbol in ArcGIS Pro


How can I create a directional arrow line symbol in ArcGIS Pro?

On this page, they explain how to create a directional arrow line symbol in ArcMap. However, I'm using ArcGIS Pro and its documentation doesn't seem to mention this kind of symbology at all.

Here's an image of what I'm looking for (copied from the ArcMap's documentation).

Directional arrow line symbol1

Best Answer

In this answer I will assume you will start from simple line without markers.

  • Right-click the layer and go to Symbology, then click on the line symbol

enter image description here

  • Go to Properties -> Structure -> Layers -> Add symbol layer of type Marker -> Add effect -> Select Dash effect

enter image description here

  • Go to Layers -> Font -> ESRI Arrowhead -> select your favorite arrow head and click OK

enter image description here

  • Select the arrowhead color that matches the line color. Under Dash effect, select the forth type from top (dot-shaped dash).

enter image description here

  • Under the Dash template, write 1 30 (you can adjust it as you like). Under At line ends, select Half gap, if you want to rotate the arrow, you need to adjust the rotation to 180 degree, and click apply. Here is the result:

enter image description here