[GIS] Make part of legend label italics either for layer header or items in QGIS Print Composer


I am using QGIS 2.18. I want to make PART of a legend label/heading italic within print composer when creating a map layout (for example make part of my label italic if its a botanical name and keep the non botanical part normal text). I know it is possible to format entire text for Titles, Subgroups Groups and Items but this apply the style to the entire label. Is label expressions like ArcGIS implemented for legend text and headings to bold/italic/superscript part of a legend text?

I tried applying HTML formatting to the legend labels, without any success in the style properties and the print composer legend properties because I know it can be used for text boxes in Print Composer.

I can go back to ArcGIS but this will defeats my purpose.

Note: A similar question was asked in 2015. Is it possible to print one item legend item in italic in print composer? but it does not cover the issue that I need only a part of the label in italics.

Best Answer

I'm reasonably certain there's not a good way to do this. Here's a terrible, terrible workaround.

Cover the legend text that you want italicized with a label with the same text in italics. Select the legend and the label and Group Items so you don't accidentally move one without the other.

enter image description here enter image description here Ta DA!

Sadly, this isn't a joke. I used to do this a lot. Then I decided to just live with un-italicized botanical names, and hope that my former Plant Systematics professor never sees one of my maps. At least the genus is capitalized and the specific epithet is lower case.

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