[GIS] Make new Tilemill map match default Mapbox label styles


I want to make a map in tilemill that matches the way that labels are displayed in this example, down to the countries that get labels at each zoom level, which country gets abbrev. vs. full title, using lines to connect labels to smaller countries, etc.

That seems to be the default Mapbox label style (I notice that this Mozilla map acts exactly the same way), since there are no customizations there. However, when creating a new Tilemill map, there are no labels at all. What do I need to do to add labels in exactly the same way as that Mapbox example (i.e., the Mapbox default label styles)?

Best Answer

The mapbox streets example was styled using CartoCSS. I don't think the css to style those streets is available for you to copy/paste into tileMill.

Check out this project below. It provides some good examples of CartoCSS styling OSM https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto

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