[GIS] Looking for shapefiles for Canadian shale plays with labels and/or meta data about the plays


I work for a company in the oil and gas industry. We are making a geospatial map with mapbox and leaflet. Our task is to show shale plays in relation to other industry items like well sites. We have completed the work in the U.S. and gathered most of our data from RigData and EIA.gov; these are both US based and do not contain other countries in the dataset. I have searched the BC Ministry of Natural Gas; BC Ministry of Energy and Mines; Alberta Geological Survey; http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/ and googled several combinations of "Canada/ian" and "Shale play/s". So far, I cannot find a shapefile that says [shale play name] shapefile. The shape files should be able to look like this map. Can someone help point me to a dataset that can reproduce the shale plays and names?

Best Answer

File from the Website is in KMZ format

Loaded into QGIS and saved as a shapefile.

Labels are in the Name Field which is then labelled. enter image description here