[GIS] Looking for London postcode to area mapping data


I am looking for London postcode to area mapping data.

I have reviewed several databases and API's and most resolve a postcode to at best a district and a ward, which doesn't correspond to the colloquial area (for want of a better word)


Using these databases and API's typically maps SW1V1RB to administrative district and wards of:


But a typical user would understand this to be Belgravia.

Is there a way to map postcodes to this area, rather than the administrative locations?

Best Answer

Start by considering synonyms for what you're calling "colloquial area", other than district or ward: neighborhood, region, zone, etc. See if there are already maps of such areas. Real estate agents often divide cities up into well-known but unofficial areas because they wish to group properties roughly according to market value and accepted colloquial terms. Maybe there are even official administrative districts, such as for school, health, police, etc, that do have popular names.

I notice Google Maps does seem to have mapped London neighborhoods. Maybe they have such data available via API. By the way, it says SW1V 1RB is in Pimlico, immediately SE of Belgravia.

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