[GIS] Looking for Employment Density Data: Employees per unit of area by industry by county (USA)


What I'm looking for something like this: http://www.bls.gov/cew/ew07fig20.pdf

For those that can't see it, the second page of the PDF has a map of Employment density within manufacturing by county, 2007 (employees per square mile).

But what I'm looking for needs to have

  • Recent data; preferably 2014-2015 but nothing older than 2010
  • Data for each major occupation group
  • Actual numbers, not just a plain image
  • Preferably data in a GIS format but a table, CSV, or Excel file will work

They never specified exactly how small a unit of area they were looking for but it needed to be smaller than a county.

My immediate need is only for a few counties though data for the entire state may be useful. The counties in question do not touch state lines.

I've been able to find tables of data giving how many employees there are in a county broken out by industry but not how many employees in an industry there are per unit of area. It seems like it ought to exist, the Bureau of Labor Statistics did do that PDF above after all, but I'm unable to find it.

Best Answer

Added per request...

Have you tried census.gov, and/or American Fact Finder? You generally have to get the data table and join it to the geographic file (block, tract, group, etc). Not all data is available at all levels, but unless it's a very sparsely inhabited area, I imagine they're all smaller than county level.

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