3D Visualization – Looking for a Free Program


Looking for a free program or web software for 3D visualization. I'd like to have an ArcScene like abilities.

No editing needed, just need to see the data in a 3D format. It'd be really helpful for presentations. I used ArcScene a ton in college and liked it, but budget constraints do not allow for it here.

Is there anything out there?

Best Answer

1) For a full 3D GIS, the better is GRASS GIS, look at Screenshots of 3D data management or From drone-aerial pictures to DEM and ORTHOPHOTO: the case of Caldonazzo's castle, from example.

Some examples (interactive: you can scale, rotate the representation and many other things) :

DEM with 3D points:

enter image description here

Draped raster on the DEM

enter image description here

Draped geological map with 3D surfaces (2 thrust faults, blue, grey), 3D tubes (boreholes, blue), 3D lines (blue) and 3D points

enter image description here

2) You can also use QGIS and the Qgis2threejs plugin (interactive: you can scale and rotate the representation):

enter image description here

Draped raster on a DEM, with draped 2D polylines (black, red)

3) and you can also use Paraview (from GRASS GIS) , R and even, SketchUp (and Google Earth) or Blender (Visualising QGIS data with Blender, for example) -all the solutions are interactive.