PostGIS Viewer – Finding a Basic PostGIS Viewer for Custom Application Development


I'm looking for a rather basic PostGIS viewer. It should be possible to pan, zoom and retrieve coordinate information on mouse click. No need to support coordinate transformations. It should introduce as little further dependencies as possible. Preferably written in C++.

Best Answer

Although this isn't really the direct answer to your question, qgis acts as a relatively simple GIS viewer which can access PostGIS. In addition to the main application -- which is a relatively complex piece of software -- the core of the qgis library can be 'pulled out' and used from an application written in C/C++ or (I believe, with some work) Python.

Tim Sutton's post on the topic of building minimal qgis widgets is probably a good starting place for this. In order to build a simple widget for viewing a layer, the C code is only 63 lines, including headers + other boilerplate.

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