[GIS] Locating British National Grid Eastings/Northings in ArcGIS Pro i.e. ArcMap Go To XY equivalent

arcgis-procoordinate systemcoordinates

In ArcGIS Pro is there a way to search for Eastings and Northings for Britain, similar to the Go to XY in ArcMap?

Best Answer

I found that using the Locate tool from the MAP tab and typing in coordinates based on a spatial reference system works fine for latitude and longitude:

enter image description here

You can then right-click on the result to Zoom To or Pan To.

I got this from a similar question asked and answered on GeoNet which came up when I googled for it but that does not mention British National Grid (and seems to be for UTM zones instead).

The only documentation that I have found about this says:

Although finding locations for addresses is a common practice, you can also use locators to find features based on the name of a location, such as a shopping center or business office. Locators also allow you to search based on a code, such as a postal code, census tract, tax ID, parcel ID, or coordinates based on a spatial reference system.

I could find no hints about how to use British National Grid rather than geographic coordinates in the Locate pane. The XY Provider evident in the graphic above seems to be absent from the documentation too.