[GIS] Loading table in ArcMap gives Serious Application Error


I am an ArcGis 10. ( ArcEditor licence) user and I have a problem when trying to load data with the Load Objects Tool in ArcMap.

I want to load a table, but after I choose the input data (equipment.dbf) – Add- and press next , ArcMap instantly shuts down and the well known window appears:

ArcGis Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is
unable to continue.

One more thing, I am trying to load the table into a file geodatabase with a geometric network and relationship classes (but that shouldn't be a problem as support says).

Does anyone know why, and what is the solution?

Best Answer

It's very hard to tell without seeing the 'equipment.dbf' file, but my guess is that there is something about the data file that Arc doesn't like. I wonder if there is something about the DBF schema that is unusual/unexpected (since it is failing at the schema test). In addition to Kirk's question, have a look at:

  1. Do the field names conform to a strict interpretation of the dbf spec (no commas or other 'odd' characters and not longer than about 12 characters)?
  2. Does this file open with Excel? If so, then the file itself is probably not corrupt. If no, your file is corrupt in some way.
  3. Can you load the file into the table of contents? If 'yes' to '2' but 'no' to '3', then the file contains some non-conformance but isn't corrupt.
  4. Do you get the same problem if you try using the ArcCatalog Simple Loader (I would expect so).

Work-around suggestions: If you can't spot anything wrong with the dbf file, can you import it as XY data, convert to a shapefile and then use that (perhaps with a Union on your target file or through the loader)?