[GIS] Loading Sentinel 2 images downloaded with QGIS in SNAP software


I have downloaded Sentinel 2 images using the semi-automatic classification plugin in QGIS, but I cannot open these files in SNAP software.

I can load .jp2 products in SNAP but I obtain a error when I try to open the XML file in SNAP.

Error: No appropriate product reader found

My SNAP version is the 5.0 and the image identifier is: S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20161117T180146_A007341_T30TXN

Best Answer

I would say SNAP does not read Sentinel-2 images as .jp2 files. A specific format is used instead. Although SCP does a great job, the output does not contain all the metadata information. I would recommend you to download the S-2 images directly from the Copernicus Open Acces Hub (https://scihub.copernicus.eu/). There, you can download your image as a zip folder. Then:

  • Unzip the folder
  • Open snap
  • Click on the open product icon
  • Navigate to your image unzip folder
  • Select the .xml file

Depending on the date of your image, the .xml file will have the same name as the zip folder OR it will be named MTD_MSIL2A.xml

enter image description here

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