Load ENVI File into ArcGIS Desktop – Step-by-Step


I received a series of *.img files with a single .hdr file that contains the necessary georeferencing information (i.e., samples, lines, coord system, etc.). I presume this is an ENVI header file since the first lines in the .hdr file are

description = {

The img files display in ArcGIS with no problem, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get Arc to recognize the header file, or how to set this information in the raster after its loaded. Ideally, it would be great if I could pull the entire series of img files into a single catalog.

Best Answer

If I had posted the entire ENVI header file, the solution would likely have been clear to most. Turns out I missed the fact that the header file had no georeferencing information. The key line in the ENVI header file that allows ArcGIS to correctly georeference the image file is:

map info = {Geographic Lat/Lon, 1.0000, 1.0000, -139.00000000, 56.00000000, 1.3943160000e-002, 9.0090100000e-003, WGS-84, units=Degrees}

Without this block, ArcGIS understandably has no idea what to do with the image.

Mea culpa. Yet another sorry example of a user not posting enough information. Apologies.