[GIS] Loading CSV File with Data Labels


I am trying to upload a CSV file with Lat and Long data in it and there are two columns that are not numeric (see picture below). Whenever I try and upload the file, QGIS recognizes it as a string file and loads all the data in one line, which isn't what I want. Is there any way to get this to load as a delimited text layer or should I be loading it in as a different layer? I tried loading it in as a vector layer but then it called the lat long columns "real" not "integer" and I couldn't see them displayed (probably because of this).

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I have a .csv file (Comma-separated values), i.e. a raw ascii text file like this:


I load it in QGIS, using 'Add Delimited text layer', like this:

enter image description here

And it shows up perfect in the table afterwards. Note that text fields left-justify, while number fields right-justify.

enter image description here

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