Load Raster into PostGIS 2.0 Database Using QGIS – How to


Following on from my attempt to install a postgresql 9.1 db with postgis 2.0 on windows 7, I am trying to figure out how to load a raster. I have successfully loaded a shapefile, and am trying to do the same with a .tif file using the Load Raster to PostGIS plugin (version 0.5.1) in QGIS (version 1.7). I have set up the connection to my db, and am using the following settings:

enter image description here

When I click on the OK button, I get the below error message. I've tried this with a .adf file and also a .tif file, both projected in Albert Equal Area Conic with an SRID of 102003.

Checking parameters...
Connecting to database...
Storing overview 1 on database...
Finished storing overview 1.
Storing overview 2 on database...
Finished storing overview 2.
Storing overview 3 on database...
Finished storing overview 3.

This process has not inserted anything into my database, and I don't understand the error message. Some previous related questions are here (asked by me, using a different process on loading rasters) and here (using the same plugin but much earlier in the year).

Best Answer


It's quite possible that the QGIS raster loader hasn't been revised yet to fit with the new changes we have in place. I suggest trying the raster2pgsql.exe packaged with the latest windows experimental. It should load tifs just fine.

Instructions here.
