[GIS] List of useful Add-Ins for ArcGIS Desktop


What are the best Add-Ins for ArcCatalog and ArcMap v10?

XRay for ArcGIS 10 is very useful, what else is out there?

Best Answer

It might be poor form to post my own AddIns, but I'm doing it anyway(they are free and I don't post these in ESRI galleries).

I wrote an AddIn with a single button(command) that fires up the browser to google streetview at the same extent as the ArcMap extent(avi movie). This is the one that my users ask for the most: GoogleStreetView.esriAddIn

Select stacked features: SelectStackedFeatures.esriAddIn. A button that make a feature selection of any stacked features of a highlighted feature layer. Sorry, no avi movie for this one.

I also have an AddIn that does automatic timestamping and attribution. From my ideas.arcgis.com comment on timestamping:

I wrote an AddIn that does a lot of this (right around the same time as Infrastructure Editing Template for ArcGIS 10 was released) , but I haven't gotten around to writing any documentation for it.

There is a toggle button, so you can disable it.

It's configurable with an XML file ( global or a featureclass specific replacement value template).

Built in:
{WKB} (Well-known binary)
{GEOHASH} (geohash point features only).

On the TODO list:

Download Location: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1156285/EditorTrack.esriAddIn