[GIS] LiDAR data density, returns per square meter


How can I compute a raster showing the number of return points per square meter using SAGA GIS or other open source software?

My goal is to obtain a mask which would show me the places (cells) where there were no hits and would help me in interpreting LiDAR-derived data.

Best Answer

I develop a free and open-source GIS called Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools (can be downloaded here) that has extensive analysis functionality for processing LiDAR data. Whitebox contains a tool specifically for calculating the point-density of LiDAR LAS files called Point Density LiDAR.

enter image description here

The tool is highly specific to LiDAR, taking one or more LAS files as input. It can also calculate the density of first-return points only, last-return points only or all-returns. Additionally, if your LiDAR data contains classification information, you can optionally exclude points based on their classification type (e.g. buildings or vegetation points).

enter image description here

There is a second tool, called Hex-binning, which will also perform a density-type analysis on LAS files (Point-type ShapeFiles as well), but will output a vector (ShapeFile) hexagonal grid. This can be a very effective way of visualizing high-density point coverage (see blog on hex-binning here).

enter image description here

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