[GIS] Legal description polygon mapping/creation with ArcPy


What I have:

an excel file with the names of properties within an area that is part of the PLSS in which Township/Range, Section and Lot numbers are used. The file contains a legal description for every property. Here are some examples of the individual legal descriptions:

NW/2 SW/2 – meaning the Northwest half of the Southwest half of a given section.
Lots 1,2,3,4 – meaning lots numbered 1-4 of a given section.
E/2 – meaning the Eastern half of a given section.

The excel data contains these fields.
Township_Range, Section, Legal_Description, Property_Name

I also have the Townships/Range, Sections and Lots as separate feature classes.

What I want to do:

I would like to write a script that goes through the excel table and adds features to a feature class based on the legal descriptions of every property. I feel like this could be done by selecting the appropriate lots(divisions of each section) use arcpy.copy and append to the new feature class. However, the problem lies in creating a good way to select lots based on legal descriptions alone. There are no fields within the lot feature class that provide a legal description.

after using a search cursor to narrow down the specific twp_rng and section,
It would somehow have to work like so…

if LEGAL_DESC == "E/2":
    select the lots that lie in the eastern half of the section    #How?
    copy selection
    append to new feature class

Obviously, this is a pretty dirty and could be optimized by having the legal description as an object instead of writing a separate "if" statement for each possible scenario, but that's not what i'm worried about. The logic of how to select the correct portion of lots is the problem.

Anyone have any neat ideas??

Best Answer

Here is what I've come up with so far that seems to be doing the job I intended it to do.

import arcpy, math, os, sys
from arcpy import env

# Getting parameters from tool properties
excelFile = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
outputFileLoc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
outputFile = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
YYYYMMDD = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)

##################### Function Definitions ##########################################################################

# Function for building a where clause from a list object
def buildWhereClauseFromList(table, field, valueList):
    fieldDelimited = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(arcpy.Describe(table).path, field)
    fieldType = arcpy.ListFields(table, field)[0].type
    if str(fieldType) == 'String':
        valueList = ["'%s'" % value for value in valueList]
    whereClause = "%s IN(%s)" % (fieldDelimited, ', '.join(map(str, valueList)))
    return whereClause

# Function for generating polygons based on string type legal descriptions
def makeFeaturesFromLegalDescriptions(legalList, tempFeat_1, tempFeat_2, newFeatures, Sctn, ID, LN, TownRange, legal):
        arcpy.Select_analysis(lots, tempFeat_1, '"FRSTDIVID" = ' + "'%s'" %FDI)
        qry = buildWhereClauseFromList(tempFeat_1, "SECDIVNO", legalList)
        arcpy.Select_analysis(tempFeat_1, tempFeat_2, qry)
        arcpy.Delete_management(tempFeat_1, "")
        arcpy.Dissolve_management(tempFeat_2, tempFeat_1)
        arcpy.AddField_management(tempFeat_1, "INDEX_NUM", "LONG")
        arcpy.AddField_management(tempFeat_1, "LEGAL_DESCRIPTION", "TEXT", "", "", 50)
        curFields = ('INDEX_NUM', 'LEGAL_DESCRIPTION')
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(tempFeat_1, curFields) as cursor_2:
            for row in cursor_2:
                row[0] = long(ID)
                row[1] = '%s' % ', '.join(map(str, legal))
        arcpy.Append_management([tempFeat_1], newFeatures, "NO_TEST","","")
        arcpy.Delete_management(tempFeat_1, "")
        arcpy.Delete_management(tempFeat_2, "")
        arcpy.AddMessage("Feature created successfully!")
        arcpy.AddMessage("Lease #: " + str(LN))
        arcpy.AddMessage("Township/Range: " + str(TownRange))
        arcpy.AddMessage("Section: " + str(Sctn))
        arcpy.AddMessage("Legal Description: " + str(legal))
        del cursor_2
        arcpy.AddWarning("The following feature could not be created.  Please check the following information in the input table: ")
        arcpy.AddWarning("Lease #: " + str(LN))
        arcpy.AddWarning("Township/Range: " + str(TownRange))
        arcpy.AddWarning("Section: " + str(Sctn))
        arcpy.AddWarning("Legal Description: " + str(legal))


arcpy.AddMessage(" ")
arcpy.AddWarning("Auto-digitization of legal descriptions starting now!")

# initialize objects/file paths/tables
idField = "LEG_DESC"
lotTest = "null"
outputFile = str(outputFile) + "_" + str(YYYYMMDD)
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(excelFile, outputFileLoc, "TempTable_One")
inTable = os.path.join(outputFileLoc, "TempTable_One")
template = r'F:\DRAFTING\ArcGIS Drafting Projects\WTD\NM\_Master Data\WorkingData_John.gdb\TEMPLATE_FOR_AUTO_DIGITIZE_TOOL'
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outputFileLoc, outputFile, "POLYGON", template, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", template)
newFeat = os.path.join(outputFileLoc, outputFile)
lots = r'F:\DRAFTING\ArcGIS Drafting Projects\WTD\NM\_Master Data\SE_NM_Map.gdb\Lots'
TF1 = r'F:\DRAFTING\ArcGIS Drafting Projects\WTD\NM\_Master Data\WorkingData_John.gdb\Temp_Features_1'
TF2 = r'F:\DRAFTING\ArcGIS Drafting Projects\WTD\NM\_Master Data\WorkingData_John.gdb\Temp_Features_2'
idNum = 0
fields = arcpy.ListFields(inTable, "", "String")

# setting the ability for the script to overwrite previous outputs of the same name
arcpy.overwriteOutputs = True        
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# script for execution of tool
for field in fields:
    if field.name == str(idField):
        arcpy.AddField_management(inTable, "INDEX_NUM", "LONG")
        cursorFields = ('LEG_DESC', 'SECTION', 'TWP_RNG', 'SEC_TWP_ID', 'INDEX_NUM', 'LEASE')
        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(inTable, cursorFields) as cursor:
            for row in cursor:
                leaseNumber = str(row[5])
                legalDescriptions = []
                lotDesc = []
                strLegal = str(row[0])
                noSpace = row[0].replace(" ", "")
                listLD = noSpace.split(",")
                SEC = str(int(row[1]))
                section = str(int(SEC))
                if len(str(SEC)) == 1:
                    section = "0" + str(SEC)
                if len(str(SEC)) == 2:
                    section = str(SEC)
                TR = row[2]
                twpID = row[2].replace("-", "")     #Parsing the twp/rng, section identifier
                twpID = twpID.replace(" ", "")
                twpID = twpID.replace("T", "")
                twpID = twpID.replace("R", "")
                twpID = twpID.replace(",", "")
                twpID = twpID.replace("S", "0S0")
                secPart = "0E0SN" + str(section) + "0"
                twpID = twpID.replace("E", secPart)
                FDI = "NM230" + twpID
                row[4] = idNum
                row[3] = FDI
                for legD in listLD:                                                             ###############################################
                    piece = legD.replace("Lot", "")                                             ####        
                    piece = piece.replace("s", "")                                              ###############################################                
                for LD in legalDescriptions:
                    if len(str(LD)) <= 2:
                        lotTest = "true"
                    elif len(str(LD)) > 2:
                        arcpy.AddMessage(" ")
                        cont = "true"

                        ################################### Transcriptions of Legal Descriptions ########################################################

                        #Halves - 4
                        if LD == "E1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","NENE","SWNE","SENE","NWSE","NESE","SWSE","SESE"]#
                        elif LD == "W1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","NENW","SWNW","SENW","NWSW","NESW","SWSW","SESW"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW","NESW","SWSW","SESW","NWSE","NESE","SWSE","SESE"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","NENW","SWNW","SENW","NWNE","NENE","SWNE","SENE"]#

                        #Quarters - 4   
                        elif LD == "NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","NENW","SWNW","SENW"]#
                        elif LD == "NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","NENE","SWNE","SENE"]#
                        elif LD == "SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW","NESW","SWSW","SESW"]#
                        elif LD == "SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSE","NESE","SWSE","SESE"]#

                        #Half Quarters - 16  
                        elif LD == "W1/2NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","SWNW"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NENW","SENW"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","NENW"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWNW","SENW"]#

                        elif LD == "W1/2NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","SWNE"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NENE","SENE"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","NENE"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWNE","SENE"]#

                        elif LD == "W1/2SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW","SWSW"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NESW","SESW"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW","NESW"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWSW","SESW"]#

                        elif LD == "W1/2SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSE","SWSE"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NESE","SESE"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSE","NESE"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWSE","SESE"]#

                        #Half Halves - 8   
                        elif LD == "W1/2W1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","SWNW","NWSW","SWSW"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2W1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NENW","SENW","NESW","SESW"]#
                        elif LD == "W1/2E1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","SWNE","NWSE","SWSE"]#
                        elif LD == "E1/2E1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NENE","SENE","NESE","SESE"]#

                        elif LD == "N1/2N1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW","NENW","NWNE","NENE"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2N1/2":
                            LegalList = ["SWNW","SENW","SWNE","SENE"]#
                        elif LD == "N1/2S1/2":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW","NESW","NWSE","NESE"]#
                        elif LD == "S1/2S1/2":
                            LegalList = ["SWSW","SESW","SWSE","SESE"]#

                        #Quarter Quarters - 16
                        elif LD == "NW1/4NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNW"]#
                        elif LD == "NE1/4NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NENW"]#
                        elif LD == "SW1/4NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWNW"]#
                        elif LD == "SE1/4NW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SENW"]#

                        elif LD == "NW1/4NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE"]#
                        elif LD == "NE1/4NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NENE"]#
                        elif LD == "SW1/4NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWNE"]#
                        elif LD == "SE1/4NE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SENE"]#

                        elif LD == "NW1/4SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSW"]#
                        elif LD == "NE1/4SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NESW"]#
                        elif LD == "SW1/4SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWSW"]#
                        elif LD == "SE1/4SW1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SESW"]#

                        elif LD == "NW1/4SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NWSE"]#
                        elif LD == "NE1/4SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["NESE"]#
                        elif LD == "SW1/4SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SWSE"]#
                        elif LD == "SE1/4SE1/4":
                            LegalList = ["SESE"]#

                        #All - 1
                        elif LD == "All":
                            LegalList = ["NWNE","NENE","SWNE","SENE","NWSE","NESE","SWSE","SESE","NWNW","NENW","SWNW","SENW","NWSW","NESW","SWSW","SESW","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31","32","33","34","35","36"]#


                            arcpy.AddWarning("The current legal description was not recognized!  Feature was not created.")
                            arcpy.AddWarning("Lease #: " + str(leaseNumber))
                            arcpy.AddWarning("Township/Range: " + str(TR))
                            arcpy.AddWarning("Section: " + str(section))
                            arcpy.AddWarning("Legal Description: " + str(LD))
                            cont = "false"
                        if cont == "true":
                            strLegal = str(LD)
                            makeFeaturesFromLegalDescriptions(LegalList, TF1, TF2, newFeat, section, idNum, leaseNumber, TR, LD)
                if lotTest == "true":
                    arcpy.AddMessage(" ")
                    strLegal = str(row[0])
                    makeFeaturesFromLegalDescriptions(lotDesc, TF1, TF2, newFeat, section, idNum, leaseNumber, TR, lotDesc)
                    lotTest = "false"
                idNum += 1
        arcpy.JoinField_management(newFeat, "INDEX_NUM", inTable, "INDEX_NUM")
        arcpy.DeleteField_management(newFeat, ["LEG_DESC"])
        del cursor
        arcpy.AddMessage(" ")
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