[GIS] Leaflet update getcenter coordinates


I am bringing in leaflet routing control into my map and I would like to have the route icons show up in the center of the current view. using the code below I can get the icons to show up at the center of the inital view but I cannot find a way to get the center to update


    var route = L.Routing.control({
  waypoints: [


$("#route-btn").click(function(event) {
  $('.leaflet-routing-container').is(':visible') ? route.removeFrom(map) : route.addTo(map);l

like most of the mistakes I make it is probably something simple, any help would be welcomed.

Best Answer

Use map.getBounds() to obtain an LatLngBounds Object. This object has the method getCenter(), which will eventually give you an LatLng Object, which you can use for your purpose.

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