[GIS] Leaflet – Opacity method for L.tileLayer.wms


I want to use opacity on one of my WMS layers in Leaflet. The documentation has an opacity option for L.tileLayer but not explicitly for L.tileLayer.wms, I only see a transparent option (not supported for the WMS I want to use, I'm using a cascading WMS and it defaults to gif I think, I have not found a way how I can cascade it as a PNG). Does this mean that you can't use opacity only on L.tileLayer and not for L.tileLayer.wms?

This does not do anything:

var gemini = L.tileLayer.wms('rootUrl', {
    layers: 'myLayer',
    format: 'image/png',
    maxZoom: 21,
    opacity: 0.5;

Best Answer

The opacity option of L.TileLayer.WMS works as expected. See a working example.

If you check the documentation for Leaflet 1.0, you'll see that a L.TileLayer.WMS inherits options, methods and events from L.TileLayer and L.GridLayer.