Leaflet Omnivore – Displaying CSV Markers by Property Value


there seem to be a number of questions out there but none have quite answered this for me.

How would one go about taking a custom set of values from a property like latitude, and then assign them to change the marker color for omnivore.CSV data based on that value. Is there a way of calling the pointtoLayers functions within an onready style section and pointing it to fill colors based on these value tiers?

function getColor(d) {
    return d > 42.2 ? '#800026' :
           d > 39  ? '#BD0026' :
           d > 30  ? '#E31A1C' :
                      '#FFEDA0'; }

var MarkerOptions = {
    radius: 8,
    fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.latitude),
    color: "#000",
    weight: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    fillOpacity: 0.8 };

window.data3 = omnivore.csv('File.csv')
        .on('ready', function(layer) {
            this.eachLayer(function(markeroptions) {