[GIS] Leaflet: how to use a custom marker on a geojson layer


I'm trying to put on a Leaflet map a geojson and all works fine until I use the default blu marker.

Now I'd like to use a custom marker (a little .png icon) and I've changed my code in the follow

 var my_json;
 $.getJSON('../Dati/my-geojson.geojson', function(data) {
           my_json = L.geoJson(data, {
            pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
                var smallIcon = L.Icon({
                    options: {
                        iconSize: [27, 27],
                        iconAnchor: [13, 27],
                        popupAnchor:  [1, -24],
                        iconUrl: 'icone/chapel-2.png'
                return L.marker(latlng, {icon: smallIcon});
           onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
                   layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.ATT1 + '<br />'
                                                 + feature.properties.ATT2);
 TOC.addOverlay(my_json, "My layer name in TOC");

the error that I can see in Firebug is

TypeError: this.options.icon is undefined
var anchor = L.point(this.options.icon.options.popupAnchor || [0, 0]);

something is going wrong but I don't know how to fix it.

Best Answer

Just change

 var smallIcon = L.Icon({
   options: {
     iconSize: [27, 27],
     iconAnchor: [13, 27],
     popupAnchor:  [1, -24],
     iconUrl: 'icone/chapel-2.png'


 var smallIcon = new L.Icon({
     iconSize: [27, 27],
     iconAnchor: [13, 27],
     popupAnchor:  [1, -24],
     iconUrl: 'icone/chapel-2.png'


 var smallIcon = L.icon({
     iconSize: [27, 27],
     iconAnchor: [13, 27],
     popupAnchor:  [1, -24],
     iconUrl: 'icone/chapel-2.png'

See the icon official documentation and this tutorial.

You do not use new for L.Icon (It's supposed to not be required but without it, we encountered an issue...)

See a demo reusing your sample.

Your syntax should be working when extending L.Icon class.