[GIS] leaflet / change a geojson divicon html


I have a geojson layer with a divIcon and now i want to change it. i have tried whit seticon but it does not work. How could i do it?

This is what I am trying:

    if (layer.feature.properties.estado == "BAJA"){
        awesomeclase ="fa-circle-o-notch";
    else if (layer.feature.properties.estado == "PENDIENTE REPOSICION"){
        awesomeclase = "fa-plus";
    else if (layer.feature.properties.estado == "RETIRADA"){
        awesomeclase = "fa-times";
    else {
        awesomeclase = "fa-circle";
    var myIcon = L.divIcon({ 
        iconSize: new L.Point(50, 50), 
        //iconAnchor:[50, 50],
        className: "divicon",
        html:'<i id = "'+layer.feature.properties.codigo+'" class="fa ' + awesomeclase + '" style="color:'+ getColor(layer.feature.properties.modelo) + ';">'


Best Answer

not sure if this fits your use case, but you might be able to use pointToLayer when constructing the geojson

var papesjson = L.geoJson(someGeojson, {
    pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {

        if (feature.properties.estado == "BAJA"){
            awesomeclase ="fa-circle-o-notch";
        else if (feature.properties.estado == "PENDIENTE REPOSICION"){
            awesomeclase = "fa-plus";
        else if (feature.properties.estado == "RETIRADA"){
            awesomeclase = "fa-times";
        else {
            awesomeclase = "fa-circle";
        var myIcon = L.divIcon({ 
            iconSize: new L.Point(50, 50), 
            //iconAnchor:[50, 50],
            className: "divicon",
            html:'<i id = "'+feature.properties.codigo+'" class="fa ' + awesomeclase + '" style="color:'+ getColor(feature.properties.modelo) + ';">'

        return L.marker(latlng, {icon: myIcon});