[GIS] Leaflet: Are Bing Maps tiles exempt from restriction to use only with Bing Maps


Leaflet has a plugin that can fetch Bing Maps tiles. However, I see in the Bing Maps terms of use the following prohibition:

8.2 d) Use Content, including geocodes, other than via an authenticated call to the Services and/or in conjunction with a Bing Map.

Would this not make any use of the leaflet plugin a violation of the terms of use? Are tiles specifically different from other Bing data? Or is there a specific exemption that has been offered to Leaflet?

Further, if other services are used, e.g. geocoding with OpenStreetMap data, is that a breach of the above?

Best Answer

The leaflet-bing-layer plugin requires a valid Bing Maps key, which means that all tiles are obtained via "an authenticated call to the Services." Thus, it complies with the terms of use.

The Leaflet plugin just simplifies interaction with the Bing Maps API. The developer is still subject to all the usage limits/restrictions that normally apply to the API, and the tiles still count toward the number of free transactions that they get with their key.

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