[GIS] Layer visibility using maxscale minscale not working


I'm using OpenLayers and GeoServer. I have a series of layers that have a scale parameter like: 1:50000-1:25000 where 50000 is the max scale while 25000 is the min scale.

I have a map like in this example:

map = new OpenLayers.Map(
        allOverlays: false,
        projection: "EPSG:32632",
        maxExtent: bounds,
        units: 'm'

And I have this layer WMS:

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("layer1",wms_address,

and I would expect that the layer within that scale it doesn't show up in the map. I need this kind of behaviour. However if I set the scale 1:25000, the layer is present inside the map (I saw it with Firebug) but it is not showed up in the map!

I also tried with max and min Resolution but nothing, the layer is in the map but I cannot see it.

What I'm doing wrong?

Please help me, I looked everywhere in every forum I don't know how to solve this problem!

Best Answer

Visit maxScale or minScale don't work in vector (from WFS) layer for a similiar question.


should be changed to:

maxScale: 1/25000,
minScale: 1/50000
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