[GIS] Layer.bindTooltip doesn’t work in Leaflet


My objective is to plot polygons and assign a tooltip label to each one. For some reason, my code doesn't seems to work.

poly_geojson = L.geoJson(poly_gon,{
    onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
        if (feature.properties.sourceLang == "en") {
        else {

Best Answer

According to leaflet's documentation - after bindTooltip() - add openTooltip() Code - I added the 'options fix' from the comments:

poly_geojson = L.geoJson(poly_gon,{ onEachFeature : function(feature, layer) { if (feature.properties.sourceLang == "en") { layer.bindTooltip("<h4>"+feature.properties.name+"</h4>"); } else { layer.bindTooltip("<h4>"+feature.properties.name+"</h4>"); } } }).addTo(map);

EDIT: no need to use openTooltip() please check this codepen