[GIS] Latitude – Longitude bounds from GeoTIFF info

geotiff-tifflatitude longitude

here's the content of a GSFC-generated GOES TIFF image:

GOES 13 Imager frame  66 at UTC 12:45:53.520 day 312 of 2013
Vis pixels :   9061, 22912    lines :   2845, 10152
Vis Lon    : 999999,-23.1566 Lat   : 999999,-20.9474
Imager ch3:count(0,1023) => [(modea-0)/1]^1 =Uchar> (255,69)
(xscale,yscale) => (0.190476,0.333333)
Vis pixels:  3650,  28850 lines:  2250,  14250
(xstride,ystride) => (21,12)
IMC status:      1
nadir pixel,line:  15352,  8050
Ref lon,d,lat,yaw:  -74.99990305,   42164.17478,         0,         0
Attitude roll,pitch,yaw:          0,         0,         010491171

The TIFF file is here: http://goes.gsfc.nasa.gov/goeseast-lzw/overview/ir3/latest.tif

¿How can I get/calculate the geographic bounds from this information or from the GeoTIFF file itself?

¿Can I do this somehow opening the file in QGIS? Do I have to develop some script?

I only need to do this one time.

Thanks to anybody dedicating his/her time on answering this!

Best Answer


Firstly, open it in QGIS, and then in the menu at the top go to Raster->Miscellaneous->Information.

Select the layer in the "Input-file" drop-down box (if it's not already there) then press OK, and it will create a load of text relating to information about the layer in a box called "Raster Info".

If you scroll down this text, you will get to a line that says "Corner Coordinates", the following 4 lines look like this:

Upper Right ( 5486108.843, 5015161.555) ( 14d49'22.49"E, 45d16'51.06"N)

and describe the coordinates of each corner (the geographic bounds) (in my example, given as both projected and geographic coordinates).

Is that what you're after?

Note: if you can't see any part of Raster->Miscellaneous->Information in the menu, go to Plugins->Manage and Install Plugins, and make sure that the box next to "GDAL Tools" is ticked, this will make it appear

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