[GIS] Lat Long to State Plane conversion

arcgis-javascript-apiarcgis-rest-apiconvertlatitude longitudestate-plane

I am using the ESRI javascript API and I have a set of lat/long points I need to convert to a state plane coordinate system. My spatial reference is wkid 3418.

I can easily use the GeometryService to project the state plane to lat/long, but need to go in the opposite direction.

I was looking at the REST API for ArcGIS and saw a setting transformFoward. Is this the setting I need to go in that direction? (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#//02r3000000pv000000)

What are ways I can do this conversion?

Best Answer

You shouldn't need to specify transformForward. Just set the inSR to 4269 (from Geographic Coordinate Systems, for GCS_North_American_1983), and the outSR parameter to 3418.