[GIS] Labels missing after conversion from *.mxd to *.kml

arcgis-desktopgoogle earthkmllabelingmxd

I've been trying to convert a map from .mxd to .kml for google earth. The map has municipalities labeled as well as train stations. When I save it and open it in Google Earth, only the train station labels appear.

I have tried moving the municipal layer up in the table of contents before saving. I have also tried taking out the rail stations labels and only having the municipal labels. Neither has done the trick.

Best Answer

Google Earth requires labelled polygons in ArcGIS to be labelled points.

enter image description here

*use the 'INSIDE' to force points inside the original polygon.

Use Feature to Point (Data Management) Toolbox http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//00170000003m000000

add the point layer into your .mxd label it.

Export to KML/KMZ

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