[GIS] Label every other feature


How would I go about labeling every other feature in QGIS (1.8)?

For example I have a set of contours every 10 meters from 0m to 100m. How would I label only every 20 meter contour? e.g. label contours 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100m while showing all the contours.

Best Answer

Use the following modulo expression to filter your labels :

"Z" % 20 = 0

You can use rule based labeling :

modulo labelling

Or to give you a useful example, below :

I duplicated my contour layer and filtered the duplicated layer to be able to apply labeling + add a bold style at the same time only on 0/20/40/60/80/100 lines without using any other rules.

filter and modulo

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