[GIS] KML for Labels in Cesium to Display Countries, States, Roads, etc


Is there a free way to display countries, states, roads, etc. in Cesium? I imagine these could be displayed using a comprehensive list of ground overlays in KML. I have looked for free sources of KML or KMZ to achieve these purposes, but have come up with no leads. Do you know of any place where I can get a list of country boundaries for instance in a KML file? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Are these labels are usually packaged with map tiles?

Best Answer

You may not need KML for the whole world just to get labels turned on. Have you tried selecting a different base imagery layer? It's the second icon from the upper-right on the toolbar.

var imagery = Cesium.createDefaultImageryProviderViewModels();

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
    imageryProviderViewModels: imagery,
    selectedImageryProviderViewModel: imagery[1]
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