[GIS] KEA File Conversion using gdal_translate

gdal-translategeotiff-tiffremote sensing

I was using ARCSI (Atmospheric and Radiometric Correction of Satellite Imagery) to atmospherically correct data, the default output format is KEA ('kea'). I'm trying to convert these to 'tif' format using this gdal statement (gdal_translate -of GTIFF LS8_sref.kea reflectance.tif), but was getting an error message (too many command options).

Are there alternative ways to convert kea to tif or any raster format?

@AndreJ – This is the file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/kdy80qggdgufum5/LS8_20140927_lat50968500lon5287500_r28p19_rad_sref.kea?dl=0

Best Answer

For Windows OS, some GDAL builds from Gisinternals are compiled with the KEA driver as well, see



The KEA driver needs a GDAL version 2.0 or later. The linked file works well with the gisinternals build of GDAL 2.1.0, and the resulting tif seems to be placed in the right spot:

enter image description here

gdalinfo reports: Driver: KEA/KEA Image Format (.kea).

Loading the file directly into QGIS 2.14.3, the HDF5 driver is used, but the result is misplaced in Ecuador. My QGIS version is not build with KEA driver support.

Unfortunately, the ubuntugis unstable build of GDAL 2.1.0 does NOT (yet) include the KEA driver. So you have to compile GDAL yourself to get the KEA support for Linux systems. For furher support on that, see https://bitbucket.org/chchrsc/kealib/wiki/Building%20KEA%20on%20Ubuntu

You will definitely run into further problems, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/702145/c-header-files-for-hdf5-are-missing

Copying missing files to the expected folder, or adding folders to search paths will clear the situation, and finally I got Ubuntu Xenial to run GDAL 2.1.0 with the KEA driver:

 gdalinfo --formats | grep KEA
 KEA -raster- (rw+): KEA Image Format (.kea)

gdal_translate now creates the same output under Ubuntu as the Windows build does.

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