[GIS] JSAPI – how to add a graphic on top of another graphic in the same layer


I have a graphics layer and I'd like to add a graphic behind the existing graphics. I've come up with this:


But I have to pan the markers off the screen and then pan them back into view before the 'unshift'-ed graphics display correctly. I've tried calling refresh without any affect:


How can this be done without introducing a second graphics layer?

Best Answer

Graphics in a GraphicsLayer (as well as in a FeatureLayer) are dojx.gfx objects. Each Graphic has a getDojoShape method. This is the key to changing the drawing order of your graphics.

I put up a working example on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fKwRn/

Click the map to add a point. The newest point is always added underneath the existing points.

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