[GIS] Joining table with multiple-values-field in QGIS


I have a vegetation vector layer with vegetation type mapping. I want to join this vector layer with a CSV-file (no geometry) which includes threatened species occurrence.

The vector layer has a "vegetation class" field which provides a single vegetation classification for each polygon. The CSV-file has a species list with a "Class" field which indicates all the vegetation classes (comma separated) the species is known to occur.

When I create a join between the vector layer and the CSV-table data, there doesn't appear to be anywhere for me to indicate the join field contains multiple values and I, therefore, receive NULL results when inspecting the join.

How can I indicate that the value from the target field ("vegetation class"), which is a single value, needs to search each row in the join field ("Class") which contains multiple comma separated values?

Best Answer

You can follow different ways to achieve this.

You can do this with SQL.

sollution 1

Go to Database > DB-manager > Virtual Layers > Project Layers

Open the SQL-window and add following code. Change 'vector_layer' and 'csv_file' to the appropriate layernames:

select v."vegetation class", c."species"
from vector_layer v 
join csv_file c 
where c."Class" like '%'||v."vegetation class"||'%'

This code creates a single row for every vegetatian class - species occurence.

  • Check 'load as a new layer'
  • Uncheck 'Geometry column'
  • Give a layer name
  • click load

Now you can define a relation to the newly created table. Go to project > Properties > Relations.

sollution 2

You can create an entire new layer, with everything added in the way you want.

Go to Database > DB-manager > Virtual Layers > Project Layers

Open the SQL-window and add following code. Change 'vector_layer' and 'csv_file' to the appropriate layernames:

select v.geometry , v."vegetation class", group_concat(c."species") as species
from vector_layer v 
join csv_file c 
where c."Class" like '%'||v."vegetation_class"||'%'
group by v."vegetation_class"
  • Check 'load as new layer
  • Check 'load as a new layer'
  • Check 'Geometry column' and choose geometry
  • Give a layer name
  • click load

enter image description here

you can do it with a QGIS-expression

sollution 3

add a virtual field to your vector_layer with following expression:


    aggregate:= 'concatenate',
    expression:= "species",
    filter:= "Class" like '%' || attribute(@parent,'vegetation class') ||'%',
    concatenator:= ','


    aggregate:= 'concatenate',
    expression:= "species",
    filter:=  array_contains( string_to_array( "Class" ), attribute(@parent,'vegetation class')),
    concatenator:= ','

enter image description here

Both gives following result: enter image description here