[GIS] Joining multiple fields to table and export new table as join field name using ArcGIS Geoprocessing


I am using join field tool to join table (info tables/.dbf) to one shapefile.

I am trying to use ModelBuilder, as there are around 100 tables (each with 5 columns X 50-150 rows), each has to be joined with one shapefile (3 column X ~2 million rows). After the join new shapefile has to be saved as respective field table’s name.

Best Answer

I just created and successfully tested the model illustrated below.

enter image description here

Most settings should be evident from the illustration but things to watch out for are:

  • Add Join must have Keep All Target Features unchecked
  • Copy Features needs Output Feature Class set to %Input Workspace%\%Name%FC
  • There is a Precondition set between the output of Copy Features and Remove Join

I created this model using ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 but I would expect it to work on 10.0 and any later version.