[GIS] Joining GeoJSON and JSON at client end for Choropleth Map in Leaflet


This is not a duplicate of Merging/Joining GeoJSON and JSON? because I need to join on client side.

I want to develop a choropleth map. I am using the same tutorial of Leaflet. I am also using the same statesData provided in that tutorial. The problem is value. I am getting an API which providing me the value of states. The 2nd JSON is providing me the id of states and its corresponding value. I want to visualize the choropleth map using these instead of Density value given in the statesData.js file.


How can I put this value to obtain a choropleth map instead of using density that showed in the tutorial?

Best Answer

Since GeoJSON is based on JSON, you are simply looking for joining two JSON objects. I think that this question is almost similar with yours and there are alternative solutions(pure js or using jQuery) .

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