[GIS] Joining fields which must still be created in ArcGIS ModelBuilder


I am in the process of creating a generic model in ArcGIS Model Builder. At one point in my model, I have to do a join between an existing layer (entry parameter) and a table issued from the "Zonal Statistics as table" tool.

I get an error when I launch the model from the Toolbox, as the field to do the join doesn't exist. When I create a "Zone field", "Input join field" and "Output join fields" as parameters, I can get the fields to be defined by the user. However, he has to write the name of the "Zone field".

Is it possible to select that value in a list (like the fields from my existing layer)?

If I am doing things wrong, how can I get the model to say which fields to do the join on?

One layer is a .shp that is defined as a parameter. The other is a layer produced by a raster calculator in the geodatabase then reclassed and to which a "Zonal Statistics as table" was applied.

Version 1 that returns an error:

Here is a view

Version 2 that works, but doesn`t enable the user to pick the field the join needs to be on in a list:

enter image description here

Best Answer

This happens to me as well. I just run the model to that point. Then I select the join fields and run again. Ensure Geoprocessing options > overwrite is one and that seems to work. It then works always going forward.